It’s that time again, leggings and long sweaters, colorful leaves, scarves, and pumpkin everything! During fall you can find just about pumpkin anything from candles, lotions, coffee, even pumpkin spice cereal. And every year your choices of this fabulous fall flavor expand so why not use it in aromatherapy?

Treat your family, home, wellness, and health to these uplifting and heart-warming aromatherapy blends that feature comforting spices and citrus.

If you love pumpkin pie, you will really enjoy this aromatherapy diffuser blend that includes all the flavorful ingredients that make this traditional Thanksgiving dessert so delicious. But instead of devouring all those calories why not breathe in that yummy pie with these essential oil recipes.


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Vanilla Pumpkin Diffuser Recipe: 

I love and use essential oils made by Edens Garden. They are pure, high quality oils at a reasonable price. You can find these oils by clicking on the links I have provided below. 

Add to your Essential Oils Diffuser:

• Approximately 6 oz. of Distilled Water
• 3 Drops Ginger Oil
• 3 Drops Clove Oil
• 3 Drops Vanilla Oil
• 3 Drops Cinnamon Oil

Healing Properties of Vanilla Oil

Soothing and sweet vanilla is more than just a delicious addition to your homemade baked goods. Its health benefits go way beyond the pleasant aromatic sensation you get when baking with it or wearing your favorite vanilla body spray.

There is a reason the flavor and fragrance of plants like vanilla appeal to your taste buds and nose. Vanilla has an amazing ability to restore and heal, and the natural essential oil of this plant is no exception.

We can definitely make use of this natural gift when we breathe in delectable vanilla essential oil by way of naturally scented candles, aromatherapy diffusers, and other means of sensory enjoyment.

Scientific studies show vanilla scored extremely high when measured for its anti-oxidant properties. This means it is a life-giving plant. Modern science coins the word “oxidation” as the breakdown of all living things. It’s inevitable, every living thing oxidizes.

But, the oxidation process can be sped up by certain substances we consider harmful. Other substances, called anti-oxidants, have the opposite effect. An example of this is vanilla which has been classified as a powerful free-radical and cancer fighter.

Vanilla oil stimulates the endocrine system and increases hormonal activity, so it acts as an aphrodisiac. It is no coincidence that vanilla essential oil is a popular ingredient in perfumes and body sprays. These sprays are great insect repellents as well.

Inflammation is the body’s protective response to a perceived threat such as irritants, pathogens, and harmful stimuli. Chronic or long-term inflammation can be damaging to the body’s tissues. Over time the white cells sent in to reduce the inflammation can begin to release degradative enzymes that can damage healthy cells along with the foreign bacteria. Breathing in vanilla oil can help reduce inflammation.

White blood cells are sent to specific areas of the body by the liver. In the case of food allergies, the liver sends white blood cells to the stomach. Many people suffer from an overactive inflammatory response due to chemical and hormonal imbalances, overactive stress response, and possible sluggish liver and/or kidneys.

One way to return the body to a healthy state of balance and properly functioning immune system is to use the restorative properties of vanilla by diffusing it on a regular basis.

Benefits of Cinnamon Oil

Cinnamon is not just a key ingredient in a lot of delicious desserts, this spice is a powerhouse of health benefits. If you enjoy the aroma of cinnamon and want to take advantage of its positive effects on spirit and body, then start placing this essential oil into your aromatherapy rotation.


You only need a few drops to get the full healing benefits of cinnamon essential oil, so a little goes a long way. By adding this oil to your diffuser, you will enjoy the grounding effects that it can have on your emotions.

As peppermint is a cooling spice, cinnamon spice is warming which goes for the oil as well. The body’s systems are stimulated by warming spices which leads to improved digestion, a boosted immune system, increased mental activity, and more.

Healthful cinnamon oil improves the digestive functions of your body by ridding it of the strain of yeast called candida. Candida lives in our digestive tract and may grow out of control with excess alcohol consumption, a high carbohydrate and sugar diet, and too many prescription antibiotics. An overgrowth of candida can lead to nausea, extreme fatigue, recurrent colds, and skin problems such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne.

It is said that cinnamon can stimulate insulin production by the pancreas, bringing your blood sugar levels back into a healthy range. People with irregular blood sugar levels are more prone to yeast related infections like thrush and foot fungus. So, if you tie the last two benefits together and cinnamon reduces sugar levels in the blood, is it possible that this is the reason why it also stops yeast infections from getting out of control?

Another awesome benefit of cinnamon is it’s antiseptic and antibacterial, making it a mainstay if one of your goals is ridding the air in your workspace or home of airborne pathogens. A popular and one of my favorite essential oil blends is called “thieves.” This blend existed during the time of the plague and cinnamon oil is a key ingredient in this blend in defending against harmful and even deadly bacteria and germs.

Ginger Essential Oil for Health

Ginger oil is said to induce a feeling of confidence when inhaled, making it known to many people as the “empowerment oil.” This magical plant has been used for cooking and medicinal purposes for centuries. Ginger root is a key ingredient in Indian and Asian meat and fish recipes, as it is known to be a digestive aid.

Anyone who has eaten sushi in a restaurant has seen the slivers of pickled ginger served with the meal. In addition to aiding in digestion, ginger oil can be used in a diffuser to relieve nausea via inhalation.

Ginger oil is analgesic in nature so it can be used for pain-relieving purposes as well. If you are experiencing a headache, this oil is good if you want to try a natural remedy instead of resorting to over-the-counter painkillers.

It will do more than just go to the site of the pain, it will help the entire body return to a more balanced state. Do some stretches, quiet your mind as you deeply inhale your favorite essential oil blend that contains ginger and reap the benefits of restoration, a lifted spirit, and a calm mind.

Like cinnamon, ginger is a warming spice that also has healing properties, including being antifungal. Make ginger a regular part of your aromatherapy, diet, and skin care applications if you think you would like to give your body a full cleanse and help improve digestion and absorption of the nutrients in your food.

NOTE: do not take essential oils internally. Essential oils that are used for aromatherapy purposes are not meant to be consumed. You can purchase ginger root supplements from the grocery store or vitamin shop.

Ginger oil is known to be anti-inflammatory which is another great health benefit. Consider diffusing ginger along with other healing essential oils if you suffer from allergies, digestive upsets, rheumatoid arthritis, or aching joints. Ginger oil is also beneficial when added to skincare recipes.

Just be sure to use a good carrier oil or cream with it and use the warming essential oils sparingly, as some can be harsh on the skin. Make sure and check the labels and do a small patch test on your wrist before adding to your skincare mixes.

Benefits of Clove Oil

Clove oil has energizing properties like the other warming spices, ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon. This essential oil can be described as another “giver of life” due to its especially strong ability to fight free radicals and act as an anti-carcinogenic substance. Carvacrol, thymol, eugenol, and cinnamaldehyde are compounds found present in clove essential oil that are known to kill viruses, fungi, and bacteria.

If you want to cleanse the air of pathogens and prevent illness, you can add clove oil with citrus or other warming spices to your diffuser. This is another oil present in the “thieves” blend that I mentioned above. It helped people ward off virulent illness during the time of the plague. Cinnamon essential oil, eucalyptus oil, rosemary oil, and lemon oil are also included in the thieves blend.

Due to its analgesic properties, clove oil was used in dental care to ease toothache pain long before there were dental schools and Novocain shots. Some dental offices still use this powerful essential oil today. It attacks pathogens in addition to having numbing effects making it ideal for easing mouth infections and assisting in wound healing of the skin.

Add clove essential oil to your diffuser if you would like to clear the air in your home or office of toxic pathogens, take advantage of immune-boosting benefits, or add a burst of vitality to your space. Click on the “shop now” buttons to shop some great and affordable diffusers:


More Fall Essential Oil Recipes

Nutmeg Chai Diffuser Blend

To your essential oils diffuser, add:

• About 6oz. Distilled Water
• 3 Drops Nutmeg Oil
• 3 Drops Vanilla Oil
• 2 Drops Cardamom Oil

If you crave the aroma or flavor of nutmeg your body may be telling you, you need a boost in magnesium and/or potassium. The benefits of the nutmeg plant are amazing.

Nutmeg oil acts as a natural pain-reliever or analgesic. You can breathe in nutmeg oil-infused air if you are feeling achy and tired so that your nerves settle, and your aches and pains go away.

Nutmeg oil is naturally high in potassium so it can dilate the blood vessels and balance blood pressure. Blood circulation is increased so more blood can be pumped more efficiently through your veins. Your body is better able to heal faster after injuries, recover quickly from sickness, and keep the immune system strong at fighting germs, viruses, and bacteria when your blood pressure is balanced, and the cardio-vascular system works correctly.

Nutmeg oil is also rich in magnesium. Magnesium calms the nerves and helps them work in harmony with your muscles. An excellent example of this is digestion. When your nerves are healthy and soothed, your body can more readily send signals to the muscles of the intestines to pass food and deliver nutrition to the blood while filtering out impurities more efficiently.

Adding nutmeg oil to your diffuser blends can have a positive effect on the way your body utilizes the food you eat by helping the body absorb the minerals that it needs to function properly.

The “fight or flight” response to stress comes into play here as well. Our nerves respond more to sensory stimuli and less to sleep and digestion which means stress signals the sympathetic nervous system. The magnesium in the nutmeg oil can balance and regulate your nervous system so your body is better able to regulate itself without overactive nerves firing up during true downtime.

                                                             Apple Crisp Diffuser Blend:

Diffuse the following blend:

• Approximately 6 oz. Distilled Water
• 3 Drops Cinnamon Oil
• 3 Drops Lemon Oil
• 3 Drops Clove Oil


Autumn is not just a time for pumpkin everything. Apple pie, apple crisps, caramel apples, and apple dumplings abound.


The aromatic warming spices that put the finishing touch on these delectable desserts are what make them so good. Your spirit will be comforted when you add this apple crisp recipe to your essential oils diffuser.

Lemon Essential Oil Benefits:

Lemon oil comes from the lemon peel. It has a history of being known for its powerful healing and invigorating characteristics. It is said to fight free radicals known to cause cancer. You can find lemon oil in a lot of cleaning products used to sanitize and disinfect the air and surfaces. Lemon oil can be found in natural skin care recipes that help tighten, tone, cleanse, and restore the skin.

It can rid harmful toxins from the body as it battles germs and bacteria and boosts your energy levels. When you breathe in lemon oil, it can give you more mental clarity and focus. It can elevate your mood and bring forth a more rested and calm state of mind. You may feel more alert, experience sharper senses, and overall peace and well-being.

Orange Spice Diffuser Recipe:

• Approximately 6 oz. Distilled Water
• 5 Drops Sweet Orange Oil
• 3 Drops Cinnamon Oil
• 2 Drops Clove Oil

You will enjoy this spicy orange aromatherapy blend as it elevates your mood, increases your energy levels and gives you a comprehensive feeling of joy and wellbeing.

Health Benefits of Orange Oil

Orange oil comes from the peel of an orange. Some may find its aroma too sweet or overly sharp. When you add this oil to warming nutmeg or cinnamon, it balances nicely. When you diffuse the orange spice blend you may be pleasantly reminded of sipping a warm orange spice tea after a long, stressful day.

Orange essential oil is known to bring out euphoric feelings as well as fight disease. It purifies and cleanses the air and surfaces. I’m sure you have seen orange oil in cleaning products for wood floors, furniture, and more. Other great benefits to using orange essential oil are it is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial.

It is also said to be anti-depressive due to its rejuvenating effect on brain function. It isn’t quite as stimulating as peppermint or rosemary oils, but this could be a good thing as those oils can cause excitability or mood swing for someone in a more depressed state of mind.

Orange oil is known to improve mood while simultaneously alleviating anxiety making it a more balancing oil. It is perfect for people seeking aromatherapy that relieves both depression and anxiety.

A great benefit of orange oil is it is anti-inflammatory. It can assist the immune system in balancing itself and bringing the body to a rested and restored state.

I really hope you enjoy these essential oil blends. Sit back, relax with a good book and warm blanket as these spicy blends fill the air and bring you comfort and peace. Happy fall!


This article is solely for educational information about aromatherapy using a diffuser. In no way should you ingest any of the above-mentioned essential oils or blends. The information found in this article and website is not meant to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. This post is for informational purposes only. I am not a physician. Consult your physician if you are nursing, pregnant, have a medical condition, or are taking medications before using essential oils.