Top 7 Hyperpigmentation Treaments at the Med Spa

It’s so frustrating, you wake up one day to find your skin tone is uneven and those pesky dark spots are screaming “you should have worn sunblock” at you in the mirror.

Out of all the procedures I do at the med spa, one of the highest in demand are the treatments for hyperpigmentation on the face. Hyperpigmentation is darkening of the skin due to excess melanin production caused by sun damage, previous acne, skin trauma, hormone fluctuations, or genetics.

You have a lot of options when it comes to getting rid of your dark spots and there seems to always be a new treatment or product on the horizon. In this post, I have listed five of what I think are the best procedures for correcting hyperpigmentation. Many spas like our own will give you a free consultation. A professional will analyze your skin and recommend the best treatment protocol for you.

#1 Photo Facial or Intense Pulsed Light

Photo facial or Intense Pulsed Light therapy is probably my most favorite treatment I do at the med spa. Not only does it remove dark spots quickly, it greatly improves skin texture, reduces pores, destroys broken capillaries, and clears up papules and pustules or blemishes.

A series of at least three treatments are usually recommended but what I absolutely love about this service is clients see results after only one.

The photo facial is a procedure that uses light-based technology. The equipment delivers multiple wavelengths of light that target brown pigment, capillaries, and redness. The light breaks up the pigment and destroys it then it slowly makes its way to the surface of the skin and sloughs off with natural exfoliation.

We call it peppering because it looks like tiny flecks of pepper as it makes its way to the top layer of the skin then its gone forever. Below is a picture of my arm after a photo facial. Once those dark spots are gone, they are gone for good unlike a lot of topical bleaching creams.

These topicals do work and fade hyperpigmentation, but sometimes it can return if you expose your skin to a lot of sun and discontinue the topical treatments.

The cost of a single photo facial can range anywhere from $300 to $600 but it is well worth the price. This treatment is not suitable for darker skin types though.


#2 Medical Microneedling

Microneedling is a procedure that uses a small device with many tiny needles. These needles are rolled over the skin and cause micro-injuries. These micro-injuries prompt skin cells to repair themselves and produce more collagen and elastin.

Benefits of Microneedling:

• Smooth Wrinkles and Fine Lines
• Smooth Acne Scars
• Shrink Pores
• Reduce Stretch Marks
• Eliminate Hyperpigmentation

Microneedling can eliminate your hyperpigmentation by normalizing the skin cells that produce melanin, increasing new cell turnover, and increasing the effectiveness and absorption of your topical skin lightening cremes. Three treatments spaced four weeks apart are recommended, but most people see a noticeable improvement with just one treatment.

The needling device I use is the SkinPen ® by Bellus at the med spa. The average cost of a single professional treatment can be anywhere from $200-$700 depending on what area you treat and the area in which you live.

If you want to see faster results you can pair your treatment with a lightening cream or PRP (Platelet-rich plasma taken from your blood).

We use both with microneedling at the med spa and see phenomenal results with one session. The face is numbed with a topical numbing agent then cleansed.

Next, we apply the lightening cream or PRP and a gel to help the Skinpen® glide over the skin. The needles push these topicals deeper into the skin making them much more effective than if you were only applying them topically onto the top layer of skin.

Another great benefit to this procedure is there is little downtime. You will have redness for one to three days and possibly some dryness and tightness but after 24 hours you can wear makeup.

Some people may experience mild swelling or bruising but it is rare. Microneedling has been proven to correct dark spots on the skin. You will love the results. And it is suitable for all skin types.


#3 Fractional Laser Resurfacing

If you have stubborn hyperpigmentation that is deep you could try fractional laser resurfacing. Our spa uses Fractora. Other lasers include Halo or Fraxel. These treatments are a little more invasive than the ones I mentioned above but are very effective in removing hyperpigmentation.

This treatment is like microneedling in that it creates controlled micro-injuries with needles with the addition of thermal energy. The damage is done under the surface of the skin in zones while leaving the top layer of skin intact.

Collagen and elastin building cells are called into action and begin repairing and rejuvenating the skin from the inside out. It breaks up the dark spots and pushes new, fresh cells to the surface.

One to three treatments spaced three to four weeks apart is recommended. Depending on how aggressive the skin care professional is with the laser, the downtime is usually 3-5 days, then you can wear makeup to cover any redness you may have still. Expect to have some redness, dryness, flaking or lightly peeling skin, as well as possible mild swelling following a fractional laser treatment.

Be patient, it could take 1-3 weeks to see improvement in your skin and lightening of your hyperpigmentation. Sometimes your dark spots may darken at first then gradually fade after having the fractional treatment done. Many skin procedures are spaced 3-4 weeks apart because it takes about that long for collagen and elastin to remodel and the skin to be rejuvenated.

This service can cost anywhere from $300-$400 with the average being around $1600.


#4 Peels

If the thought of lasers or needles on your face scare you, take heart, there are other less invasive options. Peels performed at the med spa can be great treatments for fading your dark spots. One of my favorites is called the Pigment Peel by Skinceuticals. It is a three-step exfoliation process that significantly lightens dark spots.

3 Step Pigment Peel

1. Dermaplane, which is a gentle scraping with a blade to remove the top layers of dead cells and hair.
2. The Pigment Peel Solution which consists of a 40% Glycolic Acid, Emblica (a natural skin lightening agent), and Vitamin C is applied then rinsed off after 1-5 minutes.
3. CO2 or Dry Ice activated by acetone is gently swept over the skin to further exfoliate, cool, and act as an anti-microbial.

This treatment leaves your skin amazingly smooth and notably lightens dark spots. 3-6 peels are recommended to see significant lightening.

A client came into the med spa who had gone somewhere else and had laser treatment, but her skin was too dark to be lasered and that office should have never done the treatment.

She was left with dark rectangular marks on her face from the laser and was understandably upset. But with the six Pigment Peels we performed on her along with a topical lightening cream the spots went away. She got amazing results. All skin types can benefit from peels.

Other medical grade peels that can be very successful in removing hyperpigmentation are:

• TCA Peel (A non-toxic chemical related to vinegar with quick results)
• Cosmelan Peel (Impressive results and good for all skin types and ethnicities)
• VI Peel (Another amazing peel especially works well on African American Skin)
Following a peel, depending on what type to receive, you may experience light to moderate peeling, dryness, tightness, and redness. Keep your skin cool and refrain from using any products that may contain ingredients like retinoids or acids. It’s also important to stop using any prescription retinoid products a week prior to your peel. The average cost of a professional peel range anywhere from $135 for a light peel to a couple thousand dollars for a deep peel.


#5 LED Therapy

LED stands for light emitting diode. This therapy is good for more superficial hyperpigmentation and for someone who wants to go the totally noninvasive route. Any skin type can undergo LED therapy and there is zero risk of damaging the skin or getting burned. Nothing touches your skin.

You just have to lay under the panel that emits a range of wavelengths of light. The light energizes your skin cells and stimulates new cell growth which in turn lightens dark spots, smooth the skin’s texture, shrinks pores, builds collagen, and brightens the skin. You can see results with one treatment, but multiple treatments spaced a week apart are recommended.

I find it very relaxing when I am sitting under the Led light. Your eyes are covered and with some calming spa music playing it feels like you are at the beach. There are no bothersome side effects following a LED treatment. The average cost is around $300.

#6 Salt Facial

The salt facial is a newer treatment to the beauty world and it’s wonderful. It is one of my favorites for treating hyperpigmentation. It is a nice option for you if you are nervous about lasers and peels, and you can usually see results after 1-3 days. It is beneficial for every skin type.

It is a 3-step treatment that uses a sea salt exfoliation, ultrasound infusion, and LED phototherapy rejuvenation. Natural Sea Salt has healing properties and draws out impurities in the skin. It also balances the alkalinity of the skin which reduces acne breakouts. Other skin benefits from this service include reduced wrinkles and fine lines, smaller pores, acne reduction, and softening of scars and stretch marks.

There are 3 main steps included in the Salt Facial:

1. Salt Exfoliation

This is very similar to a microdermabrasion. A small device is run over the skin that shoots salt out and abrades the skin. I tell my clients it’s like a light sandblasting of the skin. Then it gently suctions to remove your dead skin cells.

2. Ultrasound

A Vitamin C serum or Lightening Serum is placed on the skin then infused deeper into the skin by running a small ultrasound device over it. Blood circulation and oxygen are increased in the skin.

3. LED Phototherapy 

You lie under a panel of LED lights. Like I said above, the light energizes your skin cells, stimulates new cell growth and breaks up hyperpigmentation. Other benefits include: treats acne, removes redness, and promotes collagen production naturally.

Because the salt facial is concluded with the LED light there is little to no redness or irritation after the service. You are left with soft, supple, and glowing skin. The price of this treatment averages $300-$500.


#7 Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is good for treating more superficial hyperpigmentation. It is a mechanical exfoliation that either uses a diamond tip or aluminum oxide crystals to remove dead cells on the upper level of the skin.

The skin is gently abraded with the crystals or diamond tip then suction is used to remove the dead skin cells and induce blood circulation. It is suitable for all skin types.

Microdermabrasion performed in the med spa or dermatologist office will be done with a more powerful machine than a home device meaning you will need fewer treatments. A professional treatment series of six with each one spaced two weeks apart is usually recommended.

Other great benefits to getting this service done are reduced acne breakouts due to the clearing of dead skin cells that can clog pores. This treatment can increase circulation so there is a plumping of fine lines and wrinkles.

Topical product efficacy is increased up to 50% due to the reduction of dead cells that can get in the way of the skin fully absorbing those serums and creams. Acne scars and stretch marks can be softened and pores shrunk with a microdermabrasion treatment as well.

The average cost of a professional microdermabrasion treatment is $150-$200. There is little to no downtime with this service. You may experience some dryness or flaking in your skin and mild redness, but all subsides fairly quickly.

These are all great options for treating your hyperpigmentation but remember there is no guarantee. Everyone’s skin is unique and responds differently to treatment. Levels of improvement vary.

There is also always a risk when doing medical grade treatments. Make sure the doctor, nurse, esthetician, or consultant on staff at the office goes over your expectations, all the possible side effects, and result outcomes with you.

But don’t be scared or let the possibility of irritations keep you from trying these treatments. If you choose a reputable place with people who are qualified and competent, you can get amazing results while diminishing your hyperpigmentation.



The content of this article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. Please see a dermatologist if you have questions about your skin condition.