10 Effective Ways to Overcome Loneliness

Everyone has experienced loneliness in their lives at one point or another. So, don’t be critical of yourself if you’re feeling unworthy and unwanted at the moment. Grasp onto hope, you aren’t alone.

Your lonesomeness will fade quickly if you are proactive, intentional, and change your mindset. Follow and implement some of the ten strategies I have outlined in this post to experience your freedom from loneliness and live your most abundant life.

The word “lonely” is defined as being afflicted with, characterized by, or causing a sad feeling of being alone and response to lack of companionship. These feelings of alienation can affect you mentally and physically.

Studies show that a prolonged sense of loneliness can cause dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, heart attacks, and cardiovascular disease, depression and sleep disorders.

There are many causes of lonesomeness such as death, rejection, bullying, divorce, social media, relocation, and abuse, and more. And every person on the planet has been affected by one or more of these events.

There is nothing wrong with you if you are feeling despair and carrying the heavy load of loneliness. God created you to desire friendships and close relationships with others.

You can find this in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!

Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him – a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

Jesus himself desired companionship and kept his disciples close. He had friends like Lazarus, Martha, and Mary whom he visited often in the New Testament. He loved all of them very much.

He cried as he walked to Lazarus’ tomb even though he knew he would be raised; but he had compassion on Martha and Mary, Lazarus’ sisters who were mourning. He was moved in the spirit by their sadness. He is moved by your sadness and loneliness, as well. You can read the full story in John 11 of the Bible.

Know in your heart you truly aren’t alone. According to Joshua 1:5, “Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.”


Effective Strategy to End Your Loneliness #1 Go Out

Get out of the house or your apartment, even if is just for a little while or somewhere close by. Go shopping, to the movies, or take a walk in the park. You will be amazed how just a change in scenery can uplift your spirit. Fresh air alone will help, sit outside, breathe it in, and have a cup of tea or coffee. Looking forward to little things like this can get your mind off your loneliness.

Write down and keep a strict schedule if that helps you get out. Stayin busy with a change of scenery can turn your thoughts away from your loneliness.


#2 Volunteer

Volunteering and helping others will cause you to take your eyes off yourself and your problems. When you assist other people and make their lives better, you’re bound to feel accomplished and more satisfied with life.

When you decide to put others before yourself, you will see the blessings and rewards from God in your own life. Acts 20:35 says, “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, it is more blessed to give than to receive.”

There are many volunteer opportunities out there. You can go online to sites like www.volunteermatch.org where you can type in your city and areas of interest you would like to volunteer in. Another website you could visit is www.pointsoflight.org.

If you are looking for volunteering opportunities, you could always contact some of your local churches who could connect you. Or you could contact local hospitals, homeless shelters, and animal shelters. Volunteering can be extremely rewarding and will help alleviate your loneliness.


#3 Make Regular Arrangements to See a Friends or Family

Don’t rely on social media to keep you company. Yes, it can be fun and entertaining but sometimes it can just make you feel more alienated and depressed. With all the technology that exists today people are becoming less and less connected. Take the time to meet with a friend or family member regularly to eliminate loneliness.

God’s Word encourages gathering together. Hebrews 10:24-25 states, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together as in the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”

#4 Start a Hobby

If you don’t already have a hobby, get one. Find something that really interests you or you have a passion for. A hobby can get your thoughts away from your loneliness or troubles. It can relax you.

A hobby can bring some excitement into your life and renew your mind. There are hundreds of activities you could get involved in from gardening to sports to crafting to cooking, just to name a few.

If you’re unsure about what hobby or leisure activity you would like to get involved in, take a class. Try new things. I had a blast taking a cupcake making class a few years ago and met some great people while doing it.

Or go back to your childhood; think about the things you loved to do when you were younger, reawaken that passion and start a hobby that revolves around that.

What do you like to shop for or really have a passion for purchasing? Think about making it and maybe even turning it into a small business by selling it yourself. If you are searching for a hobby you can check out websites like www.notsoboringlife.com or www.discoverahobby.com that lists hundreds of ideas. You could also search on blogs, Pinterest, and YouTube to get ideas and do-it-yourself information.


#5 Be Positive with Your Mind

Try to be positive in your thinking and with others you may encounter throughout your day. Smile even if you don’t feel like it. I see this work in my own life. As an esthetician at a med spa, I work directly with people.

I must admit there are some days I may be feeling a little down and just don’t feel like talking – it’s nothing against the clients, I just don’t feel like being social some days. But when I force myself to smile and be friendly and positive it does wonders for my mood. Try it, I promise it will work for you too.

Surround yourself with positive people and positive things, as well. Watching a comedy or reading a funny book or article will quickly lift your spirits and get your mind off your loneliness. Studies show that laughing and smiling release endorphins which are chemicals in the brain that increases your pain threshold and makes you feel more euphoric.

According to Proverbs 15:13, “A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is crushed.”


#6 Seek Help

If you just can’t shake your loneliness and sadness seek therapy through a psychologist, doctor, or church counselor or pastor. There is nothing to be ashamed of if you need professional help. It’s ok if you are feeling weak. I feel like a lot of people are embarrassed to seek professional help but don’t dwell on what others think.

Stop worrying about other people’s thoughts and criticisms. Honestly, most people are so caught up in their own lives they aren’t thinking about you or your life near as much as you think, if even at all.

You could call around or go online to find many resources. Here are two websites you can find professional counselors on www.GoodTherapy.org or www.christiancounselordirctory.com. These are two I found online, there are many more you can look into to see what is best for you. Make sure you read reviews or get referrals when doing your research.


#7 Exercise

If you’re feeling lonely get off the couch and do some exercise. I know it isn’t everybody’s favorite thing to do, but it can do amazing things for you physically and mentally.

Studies have proven that exercise releases endorphins in your brain that trigger happiness and increases another brain chemical called serotonin that enhances your mood. Exercise can also improve your sleep, memory, and learning.

Your mode of exercise doesn’t have to be a hard-core workout with heavy weights and hours of cardio. A simple walk or doing some toning work with 3-5-pound weights will work.

I love watching Leslie Sansone’s in-home walking program videos. There are different levels of workouts you can do according to your level of fitness.

They are easy and effective, you can burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. Her video workouts are great for someone who doesn’t feel like going to the gym and exercising in front of a lot of people. I’ve been doing her workouts for years and love it.

Always consult with a physician if starting a new or vigorous exercise program. Don’t push your body too hard especially when starting out.


#8 Write a Journal

Get yourself a personal journal and begin writing your thoughts, emotions, dreams, and plans for your future. Write about how your loneliness makes you feel and the reasons you are feeling these emotions, then counter the negative by journaling about your hopes and dreams.

Each day is a new day, a new beginning. Journaling about your dreams and a positive future can be especially helpful in improving your mood and happiness.

Try expressing thankfulness in your journal. Write down all the good things that have come into your life even if it something that seems insignificant. We take so much for granted in our lives.

If you stop and look around you I know there is something you can be thankful for. Doing this then writing it down will take your focus off your loneliness and bad things in your life and place it on the good.


#9 Adopt a Pet

If you have adequate space and time to take care of a pet get one. They can provide a lot of love and companionship to you if you are lonely.

Getting a pet is a lot of responsibility though. They take time and money, so make sure you do the proper research and are prepared to give the proper care for one.

Owning a pet can give you a sense of routine, meaning, and connectedness because they must be fed, bathed, and walked depending on the pet. Even a fish needs attention and care.

Physically holding or petting an animal can have a calming effect as well. Having that feeling of purpose that comes with pet ownership can ease your depression, anxiety, and loneliness. (Right, my dog Coco)


#10 Spend Time with God

This is the last strategy in this article to end your loneliness. All are beneficial; however, I feel like this is the most important. You may feel lonely right now, but intrinsically you are not alone. There is a God of the universe who is with you all the time. You just need to recognize his devotion to you and draw near to him.

He wants to have a personal relationship with you, but you need to take the first step sometimes. James 4:8 tells you, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” There are many times in your life when you may feel like God is nowhere to be found, especially when you are going through a crisis. But when you put your eyes on him in the middle of your storm that is when you will feel his presence the strongest.

Honestly, sometimes I feel like he is miles away too. But I find when I make praying and reading my bible a priority, and do them intentionally and with sincerity, I can really sense his presence and find joy and peace.

It’s really very simple. If you can spend a few minutes with God, especially in the beginning of the day, you will be amazed at how awesome your day will turn out and how uplifted your mood will become.

I know you are busy, life gets more and more hectic, but spend time with God before you get out of bed, even if it’s just a few minutes. Reach for your bible or bible app instead of social media or the news.

Talk to him and he will speak to you. It may not be an audible voice, but it will be an inner knowing or spiritual voice. Quiet your mind and your soul so he can enter. Start your day with God, imagine him walking with you the rest of the day, and your loneliness will escape you.

Matthew 6:6 says, “But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” According to Isaiah 41:10, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you. I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”